
Showing posts with the label mistakes

Correct those silly mistakes ! - - popraw te 'głupie' błędy!

 Hej Poniżej kilka przykładów źle napisanych słów lub źle użytej gramatyki ( tak, wszystko na raz). Przzeczytaj je i popraw poniższe błędy - odpowiedzi będą opublikowane na Facebookowej stronie bloga tak żebyś mógł/mogła porównać swoją pracę. hi, Below you will find a few examples of incorrectly used words or incorrect grammar in sentences (yes all at once). Read the sentences and correct the errors. The answers will be published on the bog's Facebook fan page tomorrow so that you can compare your work. Zdania z błędami ( sentences with errors ) : 1. Honestly, I don't understand why you want to do that, your crazy ! 2. The decision of my boss does not effect me at all. I'm in a different situation. 3. There is a lot of people outside and they are protesting against the new president. 4. If I had known you were looking for a job, I would of called someone who needed people like you! 5. I bought a few of those notebook's. 6. Be careful at the party, don't drink too mu